Welcome to the online archive of Asian Cultural Experience of Salinas (ACES).
This website represents ACES' archival work-in-progress, to which you are invited to contribute. Currently, portions of the Lee, Sakasegawa, and Baguio collections are available for viewing. If you would like to share information about the images, or if you would like to donate or share your images or items related to the history of Salinas Chinatown, please contact us at acesalinas2014@gmail.com. Let's talk!
Our mission is to preserve, promote, and enrich the history and multicultural identity of Salinas Chinatown, historically the home of the Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino communities of Salinas. To learn more about ACES, visit our websites and subscribe (free) to our newsletter:
ACES website
ACES Walking Tour
Quarterly ACES Newsletter
This website represents ACES' archival work-in-progress, to which you are invited to contribute. Currently, portions of the Lee, Sakasegawa, and Baguio collections are available for viewing. If you would like to share information about the images, or if you would like to donate or share your images or items related to the history of Salinas Chinatown, please contact us at acesalinas2014@gmail.com. Let's talk!
Our mission is to preserve, promote, and enrich the history and multicultural identity of Salinas Chinatown, historically the home of the Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino communities of Salinas. To learn more about ACES, visit our websites and subscribe (free) to our newsletter:
ACES website
ACES Walking Tour
Quarterly ACES Newsletter
A collection of photographs from Al Baguio
Recently Added Items
Looking north on Soledad St., from the corner (E. Lake) of what later became the Community Garden, followed by Moon Gate Plaza.
Wellington Lee standing in front of the swing set, volleyball net, and PG&E tower. "The PG&E gas tank towered over our yard. They are still doing…
David, Mary Ann and Mae Urabe sitting on steps in front of Grandma Taka's home. c. 1934.